Sentence examples of "main" in French

Ma main droite est ankylosée. My right hand is numb.
Il tint fermement ma main. He held on to my hand tightly.
Elle lui serra la main. She shook hands with him.
Ma main gauche est engourdie. I have some numbness in my left hand.
Il me tendit la main. He held out his hand to me.
Le chien mordit ma main. The dog bit my hand.
Jim a levé la main. Jim put his hand up.
Il a attrapé sa main. He caught her hand.
Tom lâcha la main de Marie. Tom let go of the Mary's hand.
Qu'as-tu dans la main ? What do you have in your hand?
Il est rapide avec sa main. He is fast with his hand.
Elle se brûla la main gauche. She burned her left hand.
Lève la main avant de répondre. Raise your hand before you answer.
Retire ta main de ma nuque. Take your hand off my neck.
Il m'a pris la main. He caught hold of my hand.
Il lui a serré la main. He held out his hand.
Tom a quelque chose en main. Tom has something in his hand.
Il m'a serré la main. He shook hands with me.
Qu'avez-vous dans la main ? What do you have in your hand?
Levez la main avant de répondre. Raise your hand before you answer.
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