Sentence examples of "sa" in French with translation "it"

La balle atteignit sa cible. The bullet found its mark.
L'aigle plongea sur sa proie. The eagle dived at its prey.
Chaque pays a sa propre histoire. Every country has its own history.
La Suède a sa propre langue. Sweden has its own language.
À chaque jour suffit sa peine Each day has enough trouble of its own
La flèche a manqué sa cible. The arrow missed its target.
Le faon déguerpit de sa cachette. The fawn bolted from its hiding place.
La Suède dispose de sa propre langue. Sweden has its own language.
Rejetez tous ses mensonges et sa vulgarité. Reject all its lies and vulgarity.
Le soleil rayonnait de toute sa splendeur. The sun was shining in all its splendid beauty.
Le bébé a besoin de sa mère. The baby needs its mother.
Rien n'est comparable à sa beauté. Nothing is to be compared to its beauty.
Le navire déchargea sa cargaison à Panama. The ship discharged its cargo in Panama.
Le flambeau n'éclaire pas sa base. The torch does not light its own stand.
Un poisson nage en bougeant sa queue. A fish swims by moving its tail.
Cette ville est connue pour sa source chaude. The town is famous for its hot spring.
Une rose a des épines sur sa tige. A rose has thorns on it stem.
Les chiens levèrent le renard de sa cachette. The hounds flushed the fox out of its hiding place.
Une vache chasse les mouches avec sa queue. A cow chases away flies with its tail.
Ne juge pas un livre sur sa couverture. Don't judge a book by its cover.
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