Sentence examples of "starb" in German

Er starb drei Tage danach. He died three days after.
Letzten Mittwoch starb meine Hündin. Sie war 16. Last Wednesday my dog passed away. She was 16.
Jane starb keines natürlichen Todes. Jane didn't die a natural death.
Im Januar des Jahres 1989 starb der Shōwa-Tennō, und der Name der Ära wandelte sich von Shōwa in Heisei. The emperor passed away in January of 1989. Therefore, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei.
Er starb vor meiner Ankunft. He died previous to my arrival.
Weil der Shōwa-Tennō im Januar des Jahres 1989 starb, wandelte der Name der Ära sich von Shōwa in Heisei. The emperor passed away in January of 1989. Therefore, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei.
Er starb in hohem Alter. He died very old.
Er starb an dieser Krankheit. He died of that disease.
Unser Sohn starb im Krieg. Our son died in the war.
Sie starb vor ihrer Volljährigkeit. She died before coming of age.
Sein Vater starb letztes Jahr. His father died last year.
Er starb eines unnatürlichen Todes. He died an unnatural death.
Die Blume starb mangels Wasser. The flower died for lack of water.
Er starb an einem Herzschlag He died of a heart attack
Der Mann starb an Krebs. The man died of cancer.
Er starb vor einem Jahr. He died one year ago.
Mein Vater starb an Lungenkrebs. My father died of lung cancer.
Er starb eines natürlichen Todes. He died of natural causes.
Der alte Mann starb hungers. The old man died from hunger.
Er lebte und starb in Vergessenheit. He lived and died in obscurity.
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