Sentence examples of "casas" in Portuguese with translation "house"

Cupins estão destruindo as casas. Termites are destroying the houses.
Eles incendiaram casas e fazendas. They set fire to houses and farm buildings.
Eu construo casas de pedra. I build houses out of stone.
Dez casas foram destruídas pelo fogo. Ten houses were burned down.
Das fachadas das casas suspendiam-se bandeiras. The fronts of the houses were hung with flags.
Os porões das casas provavelmente terão problemas. The basements of the houses are likely to have problems.
As casas ficam perto umas das outras. The houses stand near to each other.
Ofertamos casas pré-fabricadas de baixo custo. We offer low-cost prefabricated houses.
Várias casas foram levadas pela grande enchente. Several houses were carried away by the great flood.
Ela não sabe quem construiu essas casas. She doesn't know who built those houses.
As casas pegaram fogo uma atrás da outra. The houses caught fire one after another.
As casas pareciam um monte de caixas de fósforo. The houses looked like so many matchboxes.
As casas e os carros pareciam pequenas vistas do céu. The houses and cars looked tiny from the sky.
Quem vive em casas de vidro não deveria jogar pedras. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Ambas as casas do Congresso aprovaram a proposta de Jefferson. Both houses of Congress approved Jefferson's proposal.
Aqueles que vivem em casas de vidro não devem atirar pedras. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
As pessoas constroem casas, represas, pontes, navios e por aí vai. People build houses, dams, bridges, ships and so on.
Todas as casas estavam balançando e alarmes tocavam em toda parte. All the houses were shaking and alarms were ringing everywhere.
As casas antigas foram demolidas para dar espaço a um supermercado. The old houses were torn down to make room for a supermarket.
Já eram mais de sete horas, e as trevas consumiam lentamente as casas e as ruas. It was already past seven, and the darkness slowly consumed the houses and the streets.
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