Sentence examples of "a su alrededor" in Spanish

Él reunió a sus hijos a su alrededor. He gathered his children around him.
Su pesimismo deprimió a la gente a su alrededor. His pessimism depressed those around him.
El anciano atrajo con su música una gran multitud a su alrededor. The old man drew a large crowd around him by his music.
Ella miró a su alrededor. She looked all around.
El miró a su alrededor. He looked about.
La chica miró a su alrededor. The girl looked around.
Ella echó un vistazo a su alrededor. She glanced around.
Ella reunió a sus hijos a su alrededor. She gathered her children about her.
Miró a su alrededor, pero no vio a nadie. He looked around, but he saw no one.
Él miró a su alrededor, pero no había nadie. He looked around, but he saw no one.
Mire a su alrededor. Look around you.
Por supuesto, los imanes tienen un campo magnético a su alrededor. The magnets, of course, have a magnetic field around them.
Naturalmente, con tanta gente a su alrededor se puso un poco nervioso. With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.
La casa tenía un muro de piedra a su alrededor. The house had a stone wall around it.
Ella le compró una cámara a su hijo. She bought her son a camera.
Va a trabajar a su oficina en bus. He commutes to his office by bus.
El hecho de que él admitiera haber robado el dinero dejó a su familia anonadada. His admission that he had stolen the money astonished his family.
Un hombre que pega a su mujer es deleznable. A man who smacks his wife around is contemptible.
Él salvó a su amigo arriesgando su propia vida. He saved his friend at the risk of his own life.
Él mantuvo en secreto que le había comprado una bicicleta a su hijo. He kept it secret that he had bought a bicycle for his son.
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