Sentence examples of "decorar" in Spanish

Gracias por decorar mi casa. Thank you for decorating my house.
A Mary le gusta decorar tartas. Mary likes decorating cakes.
Me gusta decorar mi apartamento a mi gusto I like to decorate my apartment to suit my taste.
Puede decorar este cóctel con una cereza o piña. You can decorate the cocktail with a cherry or a pineapple.
Tom está decorando su habitación. Tom is decorating his room.
Estamos decorando la sala de conferencias. We are decorating the conference room.
Pasé las vacaciones decorando la casa. I spent the holidays decorating the house.
Las calles estaban decoradas con banderas. The streets were decorated with flags.
Decoramos el árbol de Navidad con luces. We decorated the Christmas tree with lights.
Ella decoró su casa sin importar el costo. She decorated her house regardless of cost.
La iglesia está decorada con flores para la boda. The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding.
¿Alguna vez has decorado tu casa para una fiesta? Have you ever decorated your house for a party?
Decorada por franjas azules y amarillas, la corbata no estaba muy a la moda. Decorated with blue and yellow strips, the tie was very unfashionable.
Una de las cosas que más me gustan de Navidad es decorar el árbol. One of the things I love most about Christmas is trimming the tree.
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