Sentence examples of "odia" in Spanish

Tom odia que haga calor. Tom hates it when it's hot.
Tom odia que haga frío. Tom hates it when it's cold.
Parece que ella te odia. She seems to hate you.
Ella odia hablar en público. She hates speaking in public.
Él odia limpiar su habitación. He hates cleaning his room.
Mi madre odia escribir cartas. My mother hates writing letters.
Mi mujer odia los gatos. My wife hates cats.
Mi culo me odia hoy. My bum hates me today.
Ella odia los pimientos verdes. She hates green peppers.
Mi esposa odia a los gatos. My wife hates cats.
Tom odia conducir cuando hace niebla. Tom hates driving when it's foggy.
¿Por qué me odia la tecnología? Why does technology hate me?
Tom odia a todo el mundo. Tom hates everybody.
¿Por qué la tecnología me odia? Why does technology hate me?
Todo el mundo odia a Tom. Everybody hates Tom.
Tom odia levantarse a la mañana temprano. Tom hates getting up early in the morning.
María odia su trabajo por muchas razones. Mary hates her job for many reasons.
Tom odia trabajar tarde en un viernes. Tom hates to work late on Friday.
Amar a quien nos odia nos libera. Loving who hates us sets us free.
Bill odia que su padre fume tanto. Bill hates his father smoking heavily.
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