Sentence examples of "pelea" in Spanish

Tuvieron una pelea de almohadas. They had a pillow fight.
Estuve involucrado en la pelea. I was involved in the quarrel.
A pesar del acoso del tirano, el héroe prosiguió valientemente la pelea. In spite of the tyrant’s persecution, the hero valiantly carried on the struggle.
¿Tuviste una pelea con Ken? Did you have a fight with Ken?
Tuve una pelea con él por nimiedades. I had a quarrel with him about trifles.
Tom apostó $300 en la pelea. Tom bet $300 on the fight.
Nuestras conversaciones siempre terminan en una pelea. Our conversation always ends in a quarrel.
Tom trató de disolver la pelea. Tom tried to break up the fight.
Traté de parar la pelea, pero eso no era fácil. I tried to stop their quarrel, but that was not easy.
Tom tuvo una pelea con Mary. Tom had a fight with Mary.
El amor es una pelea que comienza entre una mujer y un hombre y nunca se termina. Love is a quarrel which begins between a woman and a man and never finishes.
Tuvimos una pelea de bolas de nieve. We had a snowball fight.
La pelea se saldó con varios arrestos. The fight resulted in several arrests.
Tom y Mary tuvieron una pelea de almohadas. Tom and Mary had a pillow fight.
Hubo una pelea de comida en la cafetería. There was a food fight in the cafeteria.
La víctima se vio involucrada en una pelea. The dead man was involved in a fight.
¿Oíste de la pelea de Tom con Mary? Did you hear about Tom's fight with Mary?
Boxeadores tienen que pesarse antes de una pelea. Boxers have to weigh in before a fight.
Se reunió una multitud para observar la pelea. A crowd collected to watch the fight.
El muchacho perdió la oreja durante una pelea callejera. The boy lost his ear in a street fight.
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