Sentence examples of "ser" in Spanish

Su hijo quiere ser abogado. His son wants to be a lawyer.
Me gustaría ser un futbolista famoso. I would like become a famous soccer player
Está orgulloso de ser músico. He is proud of being a musician.
¿Por qué quieres ser médico? Why do you want to be a doctor?
No quiero gritarte, pero lo haré de ser necesario. I don't want to shoot you, but I will if I have to.
Ser colombiano es lo mejor. Being Colombian is the best.
Yo quiero ser un mago. I want to be a magician.
Yo daba por sentado que él iba a ser un miembro. I took it for granted that he would become a member.
No hay deshonra en ser pobre. There is no disgrace in being poor.
Él quiere ser como yo. He wants to be like me.
Este dios indígena necesita de agua para tener una vida normal, moverse y hablar, o su cuerpo vuelve a ser piedra inmóvil. This indigenous god needs water to have a normal life, move and talk, or its body will turn back into immovable stone.
Está orgulloso de ser un médico. He is proud of being a doctor.
Parece ser una buena casa. It seems to be a good house.
Un ser humano escribió la historia. A human being wrote the story.
Su sueño es ser enfermera. Her dream is to become a nurse.
Yo solía soñar con ser millonario. I used to dream about being a millionaire.
Esto no puede ser verdad. This can't be true.
Él era sospechoso de ser un espía. He was under suspicion of being a spy.
¡Esto va a ser salvaje! This is gonna be wild!
Ser siempre honesto no es algo sencillo. Always being honest is no easy thing.
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