Sentence examples of "temprana" in Spanish

El talento musical suele florecer a una temprana edad. Musical talent usually blooms at an early age.
La educación temprana de los niños normalmente empieza en el hogar. Early education for children usually begins at home.
¡La Pascua nunca es mencionada por el Señor de los apóstoles, ni fue llevada nunca por la Iglesia temprana! Easter is never mentioned by the Lord or the apostles, nor was it ever observed by the early church!
¿Qué haces aquí tan temprano? What do you do here so early?
¡No nos levantemos temprano mañana! Let’s not get up early tomorrow!
Los ancianos se levantan temprano. Old people wake up early.
Me levanté temprano como siempre. I got up early as usual.
No necesita despertarse tan temprano. He need not get up so early.
Estoy acostumbrado a levantarme temprano. I'm accustomed to getting up early.
Él se está levantando temprano. He's getting up early.
Levantarse temprano era su costumbre. It was his habit to rise early.
El teatro solía abrir temprano. The theater used to open up early.
Tom no se levanta temprano. Tom doesn't get up early.
Es demasiado temprano para levantarse. It's too early to get up.
Almorzamos temprano en el colegio. We had an early lunch at school.
Ella siempre se levanta temprano. She always got up early.
No podrán levantarse tan temprano. They won't be able to get up so early.
Levántate temprano o llegarás tarde. Get up early, or you'll be late.
Normalmente, ella se levanta temprano. She usually gets up early.
No me quería levantar temprano. I didn't want to get up early.
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