Sentence examples of "tonto" in Spanish

Tom no es un tonto. Tom isn't a fool.
Tom no quiere parecer tonto. Tom doesn't want to look foolish.
No es tonto, pero sí es absurdo. It's not silly, but it's ridiculous.
Él es demasiado tonto para temer el peligro. He is too dumb to fear danger.
Él es un verdadero tonto. He is a real fool.
Fui tan tonto que le creí. I was foolish enough to believe him.
No es tonto, pero sí es ridículo. It's not silly, but it's ridiculous.
Que te digan idiota es mucho peor que te digan tonto. Being told an idiot is much worse than being called dumb.
Él es un tonto, sin duda. He is a fool, and no mistake.
Yo fui lo suficientemente tonto para creerle. I was foolish enough to believe it.
¡No seas tonto, no se puede conducir sin volante! Don't be silly, you can't drive without a wheel!
Soy tan tonto... estoy intentando explicarte cosas que no entiendo ni yo. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself.
Él es de todo menos tonto. He is anything but a fool.
Fue tonto de tu parte aceptar su oferta. It was foolish of you to accept his offer.
Él no fue lo suficientemente tonto para contar esa historia antes que ella. He wasn't silly enough to tell that story before her.
Fui lo suficientemente tonto para hacer eso. I was fool enough to do so.
¿Es él tan tonto como para creer algo así? Is he so foolish as to believe that?
Él no es tan tonto para no saberlo. He is not such a fool but he knows it.
Que tonto de mi no haber pensado en eso. It is foolish of me not to think of that.
Que tonto fui por haberle prestado el dinero. What a fool I was to lend him the money.
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