Exemplos de uso de "at that time" em inglês

He was here at that time. Er war damals hier.
No one lived on the island at that time. Zu dieser Zeit lebte niemand auf der Insel.
At that time, we were quite rich. Zu jener Zeit waren wir ziemlich reich.
Were you at school at that time? Warst du zu diesem Zeitpunkt in der Schule?
Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France at that time. Damals herrschte Napoleon Bonaparte über Frankreich.
She was playing with her sister at that time. Zu dieser Zeit spielte sie mit ihrer Schwester.
At that time she was engaged in some sort of work. Zu jener Zeit war sie mit irgendeiner Arbeit beschäftigt.
He was in America at that time. Er war damals in Amerika.
I'm afraid I can't make it at that time. Ich fürchte, ich kann zu dieser Zeit nicht.
Mary was looking for you at that time. Mary suchte damals nach dir.
It was tremendously exciting to be in Boston at that time. Es war ungemein aufregend, zu dieser Zeit in Boston zu sein.
At that time, she was a student at Yale. Damals war sie Studentin in Yale.
At that time Google Translator didn't exist yet. Damals gab es den Google-Übersetzer noch nicht.
At that time Mexico was not yet independent of Spain. Mexiko war damals noch nicht unabhängig von Spanien.
I went through so unpleasant an experience at that time. Ich habe damals eine äußerst unangenehme Erfahrung gemacht.
I was badly in need of his help at that time. Ich brauchte damals dringend seine Hilfe.
If my mother had still been alive, she would have helped me at that time. Wenn meine Mutter noch gelebt hätte, hätte sie mir damals geholfen.
She was cooking dinner at that time. Zurzeit kochte sie das Abendessen.
What were you doing at that time? Was hast du zu der Zeit gemacht?
Bob was washing the dishes at that time. Bob wusch gerade ab.
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