Sentence examples of "going to bed" in English

Lock the window before going to bed. Ponle llave a la ventana antes de acostarte.
Lock the windows before going to bed. Cierra las ventanas antes de acostarte.
I feel like going to bed early tonight. Esta noche tengo ganas de acostarme temprano.
Don't drink beer before going to bed. No bebas cerveza antes de acostarte.
She used to pray before going to bed. Ella solía rezar antes de acostarse.
What time are you used to going to bed? ¿A qué hora acostumbras a acostarte?
I've got used to going to bed early. Me he acostumbrado a acostarme temprano.
Be sure to take this medicine before going to bed. Asegúrate de tomarte este remedio antes de acostarte.
I always drink a glass of milk before going to bed. Siempre tomo un vaso de leche antes de acostarme.
I go to bed very early. Me acuesto muy pronto.
I go to bed at eleven. Me acuesto a las 11.
All the children went to bed. Todos los niños fueron a acostarse.
I go to bed at 10.30. Me acuesto a las diez y media.
I usually go to bed at ten. Normalmente me acuesto a las diez.
She usually goes to bed at nine. Suele acostarse a las nueve.
I went to bed late at night. Me acosté bien tarde.
She went to bed here, near me. Ella se acostó aquí, cerca de mí.
You go to bed at eleven o'clock. Te acuestas a las once.
When did you go to bed last night? ¿A qué hora te acostaste anoche?
Put out the candles before you go to bed. Apaga las velas antes de acostarte.
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