Sentence examples of "She" in English

She kissed me, not him. Elle m'embrassa moi et non lui.
She is engaged to him. C'est sa fiancée.
She went down the stairs. Elle a descendu l'escalier.
That was exactly what she intended. C'était exactement son intention.
She made me do it. Elle me l'a fait faire.
She resembles her mother in face. Son visage ressemble celui de sa mère.
What trouble can she cause? Quels problèmes peut-elle causer ?
She was buried in her hometown. On l'a enterrée dans sa ville natale.
She aimed at the target. Elle visa la cible.
She was a beauty in her day. C'était une beauté dans sa jeunesse.
She shows a shy disposition. Elle est d'un naturel timide.
Such was her joy that she shed tears. Des larmes de joie coulèrent le long de ses joues.
She is not here yet. Elle n'est pas encore là.
He is as old again as she is. Son âge est le double du sien.
She kept silent all day. Elle garda le silence toute la journée.
He completely failed to understand why she got angry. Il n'a rien compris aux raisons de sa colère.
She calls him every night. Elle l'appelle toutes les nuits.
She had her hat blown off by the wind. Le vent emporta son chapeau.
She kept her eyes closed. Elle a gardé les yeux fermés.
Ann gave an account of how she had escaped. Ann fit le récit de son évasion.
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