Sentence examples of "sweep supporting leg" in English

I broke my leg. Je me suis cassé la jambe.
I have no friends supporting me. Je n'ai pas d'amis qui me soutiennent.
If each would sweep before the door, we should have a clean city. Si chacun pouvait nettoyer devant sa porte, on aura une ville propre.
She treated her broken leg. Elle a soigné sa jambe cassée.
When we think of the traditional roles of men and women in society, we think of husbands supporting the family, and wives taking care of the house and children. Quand nous pensons aux rôles traditionnels des hommes et des femmes dans la société, nous pensons aux maris soutenant la famille, et aux femmes s'occupant de la maison et des enfants.
He ordered me to sweep the room. Il m'ordonna de balayer la pièce.
You’re pulling my leg. Tu me fais marcher.
Don't forget to sweep the kitchen clean. N'oublie pas de balayer la cuisine.
I was going to buy a new table, but my husband fixed the broken leg. J'étais sur le point d'acheter une nouvelle table mais mon mari a réparé le pied cassé.
I had her sweep my room. Je lui ai fait balayer ma chambre.
He had an operation on his left leg. Il a été opéré de la jambe gauche.
I made him sweep the floor. Je lui ai fait balayer le sol.
He had an accident and fractured his leg. Il a eu un accident et s'est fracturé une jambe.
Mary wants to sweep the house. Marie veut balayer la maison.
He broke his leg skiing. Il s'est cassé la jambe en skiant.
His leg was bitten by a crocodile. Un crocodile lui a mordu la jambe.
Tom's leg is healing. La jambe de Tom est en voie de guérison.
My leg got hurt, so I could not walk. Je me suis blessé à la jambe, je ne pouvais plus marcher.
He has a scraggly beard and a bum leg. Il a une barbe clairsemée et une patte folle.
He was crying with pain when he broke his leg. Il criait de douleur lorsqu'il se brisa la jambe.
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