Sentence examples of "Les" in French

Les marchandises seront livrées gratuitement. The goods will be delivered free of charge.
Les mauvaises nouvelles vont vite. Well they say bad news travels fast.
Les prix vont encore augmenter. Prices are about to go up again.
Il vit dans les environs. He lives in this neighborhood.
Sors les oranges du réfrigérateur. Take the oranges out of the fridge.
Il me faudra les aider. I will have to help them.
Qu'en pensent les consommateurs What do consumers think about it
Cet article ridiculise les végétariens. This article makes fun of vegetarians.
Tu dois surmonter les difficultés. You have to overcome the difficulties.
On les a vus sortir. They were seen to go out.
Les Italiens parlent rarement de politique. The Italians seldom talk about politics.
Cette somme inclut les taxes. This amount includes tax.
Les travailleurs sont en grève. The workers are on strike.
Nous les avons vues partir. We saw them leave.
J'y pense tous les jours. I think about it every day.
Ce jeune à les cheveux bleus. This young man has blue hair.
Les Smiths sont nos voisins. The Smiths are our neighbors.
Je peux tous les lire. I can read them all.
Les hommes ignorent tout des femmes. Men know nothing about women.
Cet homme se lave les dents. This man brushes his teeth.
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