Sentence examples of "comportamiento" in Spanish

Su comportamiento petulante es ofensivo. His smug behavior is offensive.
Estoy harto de su comportamiento. I am fed up with his behaviour.
La madre estaba avergonzada por el mal comportamiento de su hijo. The mother was embarrassed at her son's bad manners.
Nos sorprendimos de su comportamiento. We were surprised by his behavior.
No puedo soportar más tu comportamiento. I can't stand your behaviour any more.
Tu comportamiento no admite excusas. Your behavior admits of no excuse.
No hay excusa para su comportamiento. There is no excuse for his behaviour.
Su comportamiento nos pareció infantil. We regarded his behavior as childish.
A veces tiene un comportamiento muy raro. He sometimes has a weird behaviour.
Su comportamiento alzó mis sospechas. His behavior aroused my suspicions.
Su comportamiento no es normal para una joven. Her behaviour isn't normal for a young girl.
No me gusta tu comportamiento. I don't like your behavior.
Es evidente que el comportamiento humano es más peligroso para el medio ambiente que la radiación. It's evident that human behaviour is more dangerous for the environment than radiation.
Estaba avergonzado de mi comportamiento. I was ashamed of my behavior.
El comportamiento de Viernes muestra su total sumisión y devoción hacia Robinson porque el inglés le salvó de los caníbales. Friday’s behaviour shows his total submission and devotion to Robinson, because the Englishman saved him from the cannibals.
Me ha ofendido su comportamiento. I was offended by his behavior.
Los jóvenes que sean pillados violando las nuevas normas de comportamiento perderán su derecho a viajar libremente y tendrán que completar trabajos comunitarios no remunerados para recuperar su derecho. Youths who are caught violating the new rules on behaviour will lose their right to free travel, and will have to complete unpaid community work to earn it back.
Kate estaba sorprendida por su comportamiento. Kate was astonished by his behavior.
Su comportamiento es muy extraño hoy. His behavior is very odd today.
Su comportamiento raro causó nuestras sospechas. Her unusual behavior caused our suspicions.
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