Ejemplos del uso de "his" en inglés

Everything militated against his success. Alles spricht gegen seinen Erfolg.
Tom always makes fun of John because of his dialect. Tom macht sich immer über John wegen dessen Dialekt lustig.
His concert attracted many people. Sein Konzert zog viele Leute an.
The foreign minister will act for the Prime Minister in his absence. Der Außenminister wird den Ministerpräsidenten in dessen Abwesenheit vertreten.
His house was on fire. Sein Haus stand in Flammen.
Tom, as his usual, lagged at the beginning of the sentence, when Mary, already twelve words ahead of him, was now in its middle. Tom hing, wie schon so oft, am Anfang des Satzes herum, während Mary, schon zwölf Worte vor ihm, sich jetzt in dessen Mitte befand.
Smoking has affected his lungs. Rauchen schadete seiner Lunge.
His concert was very good. Sein Konzert war sehr gut.
One should love his mother. Man soll seine Mutter lieben.
Finally, he reached his goal. Endlich erreichte er sein Ziel.
His home country is Germany. Sein Heimatland ist Deutschland.
Tom is patting his dog. Tom tätschelt seinen Hund.
His life is at stake Es geht um sein Leben
It is not his business. Das ist nicht seine Sache.
He had his clarinet tuned. Er ließ seine Klarinette stimmen.
His jokes make no sense. Seine Witze ergeben keinen Sinn.
Ted loves his wife Elizabeth. Ted liebt seine Ehefrau Elizabeth.
He lives within his means. Er lebt entsprechend seiner sozialen Stellung.
Compare your translation with his. Vergleiche deine Übersetzung mit seiner.
He took off his coat. Er legte seine Jacke ab.
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