Sentence examples of "As soon as" in English

Do it as soon as possible. Fais-le dès que possible.
I'll come as soon as possible. Je viendrai aussitôt que possible.
Come downstairs as soon as possible. Descendez dès que possible.
I'll come as soon as I can. Je viendrai vous voir aussitôt que je le pourrai.
please contact me as soon as possible S'il vous plaît, contactez-moi dès que possible
You have to begin as soon as possible. Vous devez commencer aussitôt que possible.
I come as soon as I can. Je viens dès que je peux.
I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible. J'apprécierais une réponse aussitôt que possible.
Write to me as soon as you reach there. Écris-moi dès que tu y seras.
Let me know the result as soon as you can. Faites-moi savoir le résultat aussitôt que vous pouvez.
I recognized her as soon as I saw her. Je l'ai reconnue dès que je l'ai vue.
I'll come back home as soon as I can. Je reviendrai aussitôt que je peux.
As soon as I got home, the telephone rang. Dès que je fus arrivé, le téléphone sonna.
I went to sleep as soon as I got home. J'allai au lit aussitôt que je rentrai chez moi.
As soon as the bell rang, we got up. Dès que la cloche a sonné nous nous sommes levés.
As soon as the child saw his mother, he stopped crying. Aussitôt que l'enfant vit sa mère, il cessa de pleurer.
As soon as the door opened, they ran away. Dès que la porte s'ouvrit, ils s'enfuirent.
As soon as we get the answer, we'll phone you. Aussitôt que nous aurons la réponse nous vous téléphonerons.
Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible. Calmez-vous. Je passe dès que possible.
As soon as the dog saw me, it began to bark. Aussitôt que le chien me vit, il se mit à aboyer.
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