Sentence examples of "his" in English with translation "son"

His children have grown up. Ses enfants ont grandi.
Smoking has affected his lungs. Fumer a touché ses poumons.
Few people understood his comment. Peu de gens comprirent son commentaire.
His concert was very good. Son concert était très bon.
He has his own car. Il a sa propre voiture.
It's in his blood C'est dans son sang
The words hurt his pride. Les mots ont blessé sa fierté.
His aristocratic manners amaze me. Ses manières aristocratiques m'émerveillent.
He got his watch fixed. Il a fait réparer sa montre.
Finally, he reached his goal. Il a finalement atteint son objectif.
Tom changes his passwords often. Tom change souvent ses mots de passe.
It is not his business. Ce n'est pas son affaire.
He had his clarinet tuned. On a réglé sa clarinette.
Ted loves his wife Elizabeth. Ted aime son épouse Elizabeth.
He lives within his means. Il vit selon ses moyens.
The officer encouraged his men. L'officier encouragea ses hommes.
He took off his coat. Il ôta sa veste.
He glanced at his watch. Il jeta un coup d'œil à sa montre.
He zipped his bag shut. Il ferma la fermeture à glissière de son sac.
It's his Christmas present. C'est son cadeau de Noël.
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