Sentence examples of "throughout his life" in English

He risked his life to save her. Il l'a sauvée au risque de sa vie.
He acquired education late in his life. Son éducation s'est faite tard.
His life is a neverending race against time. Sa vie est une course contre-la-montre permanente.
The accident almost cost him his life. L'accident a failli lui coûter la vie.
Tom remained unmarried all his life. Tom est resté célibataire toute sa vie.
The old man has lived here all his life. Le vieil homme a vécu ici toute sa vie.
He devoted his life to the study of science. Il a dédié sa vie à l'étude de la science.
He dedicated his life to fighting corruption. Il a dédié sa vie à combattre la corruption.
He dedicated his life to medical work. Il a consacré sa vie à la médecine.
His brazen act of defiance almost cost him his life. Son acte impudent de défiance a failli lui coûter la vie.
This lost him his life. Cela lui a coûté la vie.
He lost his life in an accident. Il a perdu la vie dans un accident.
He sobered up, got a job, and slowly started to turn his life around. Il est devenu sobre, a pris un boulot et commencé lentement à faire prendre à sa vie un meilleur tour.
Her father devoted his life to science. Son père a dévoué sa vie à la science.
He devoted the last years of his life to writing his autobiography. Il a consacré les dernières années de sa vie à écrire sa biographie.
Her father dedicated his life to science. Son père a dédié sa vie à la science.
His life is in my hands. Sa vie est entre mes mains.
Bingley had never met with more pleasant people or prettier girls in his life. Bingley n'avait jamais rencontré dans sa vie des gens plus agréables ou des filles plus jolies.
For the first time in his life, Yuka finished reading an entire book in English. Pour la première fois de sa vie, Yuka a terminé la lecture d'un livre en langue anglaise.
He has a new woman in his life. Il a une nouvelle femme dans sa vie.
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