Sentence examples of "become" in English

We've all become communists. Todos nos hemos hecho comunistas.
It has become quite autumnal. Se ha vuelto bastante otoñal.
Things have become so expensive! ¡Todo se ha puesto tan caro!
Tom is pretty sure that he can't become pregnant. Tom está bastante seguro de no poder quedarse embarazado.
He may become a baseball player. Él puede llegar a ser jugador de béisbol
My grandmother has become old. Mi abuela se ha hecho mayor.
I believed to have become immortal. Creía haberme vuelto inmortal.
It has become much warmer. Se ha puesto mucho más caluroso.
He studied day and night so that he might become a lawyer. Estudió día y noche para llegar a ser abogado.
They want to become rich. Quieren hacerse ricos.
You need to become more aggressive. Tienes que volverte más agresivo.
The river has become much cleaner than before. El río se ha puesto mucho más limpio que antes.
How did they become celebrities? ¿Cómo se hicieron famosos?
Why did you become a teacher? ¿Por qué te volviste profesor?
If you add lemon, it will become sour. Si le añades limón, se pondrá ácido.
My brother has become a priest. Mi hermano se ha hecho cura.
Because of Tom, Mary has become depressed. Mary se ha vuelto depresiva por culpa de Tom.
When I use contacts my eyes feel dry and become red. Cuando uso lentes de contacto, se me secan los ojos y se ponen rojos.
He is eager to become famous. Él está deseando hacerse famoso.
His aim is to become a professional singer. Su meta es volverse en cantante profesional.
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