Sentence examples of "clothes horse" in English

These clothes are dirty and need washing. Esta ropa está sucia y tiene que lavarse.
Jackson fell from his horse. Jackson se cayó de su caballo.
She altered her old clothes to make them look more fashionable. Ella arregló sus ropas viejas para que se vean más a la moda.
The horse is far from the house. El caballo está lejos de la casa.
These books and clothes are all yours. Estos libros y ropa son todos tuyos.
Tom boasts of never having been defeated in a horse race. Tom se jacta de nunca haber sido derrotado en una carrera a caballo.
She spends most of her money on clothes. Ella gasta la mayor parte de su dinero en ropa.
He's as strong as a horse. Él es tan fuerte como un toro.
Maria spends a lot of money on clothes. Maria gasta mucho dinero en ropa.
You can't ride a horse. No puedes montar a un caballo.
Your clothes say "vacation resort" to me. A mi parecer tu ropa es propia de un "centro vacacional".
This is a horse. Este es un caballo.
I went home in order to change my clothes. Fui a casa para cambiarme de ropa.
It is easier to catch an escaped horse than to take back an escaped word. Es más fácil atrapar a un caballo fugado que retirar una palabra escapada.
Tom changed clothes. Tom se cambió de ropa.
She couldn't convince him to ride a horse. Ella no la pudo convencer de que montara un caballo.
Tom folded his clothes and put them in his suitcase. Tom dobló su ropa y la puso en su maleta.
The brown horse is fast. El caballo marrón es rápido.
She finished ironing the clothes a few minutes ago. Ella terminó de planchar la ropa hace unos minutos.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth. A caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes.
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