Sentence examples of "drug combination" in English

An idea is an immaterial model of a real or a supposed element of reality. An idea is a fragment of our thoughts. When we think something, that single thought is an idea. Ideas are the atoms of the thoughts, and thoughts are a combination of ideas. Una idea es un modelo inmaterial de un elemento de la realidad sea real o ficticio. Cuando pensamos algo, ese único pensamiento es una idea. Las ideas son los átomos de los pensamientos, y los pensamientos son combinaciones de ideas.
Mexico is experiencing unprecedented violence as drug cartels are battling over distribution routes. México experimenta violencia sin precedentes a medida que los carteles de drogas disputan por rutas de distribución.
The drug culture has its own rules. La cultura de la droga tiene sus propias reglas.
They say that that drug is not safe. Dicen que ese medicamento no es seguro.
Tom died of a drug overdose. Tom murió de una sobredosis de drogas.
You must refuse to drink this drug. Debes negarte a beber esta droga.
Tom has a problem with drug abuse. Tom tiene problemas con el abuso de drogas.
We must eradicate the drug traffic, root and branch. Debemos erradicar el tráfico de drogas, sus raíces y sus ramas.
Adam spent 3 years in jail for drug possession. Adam pasó 3 años en prisión por posesión de drogas.
The effects of the drug are intense but brief. Los efectos de la droga son intensos pero breves.
My older brother is planning to work at a drug factory. Mi hermano mayor está planeando trabajar en una fábrica de medicamentos.
He'll be groggy for another few hours until the drug wears off. Estará grogui durante otro par de horas hasta que se pasen los efectos del medicamento.
Shy people can develop drug dependence as a defense. La gente tímida puede desarrollar dependencia a la droga como una defensa.
They did an experiment to see if the drug improved memory. Ellos realizaron un experimento para ver si el medicamento mejoraba la memoria.
The drug must go through clinical trials before being approved. El medicamento debe atravesar ensayos clínicos antes de ser aprobada.
Tom didn't want any of his friends to know that he was a drug dealer. Tom no quería que sus amigos supieran que era camello.
The state is going to reform its drug policies. El estado va a reformar sus políticas de drogas.
We haven't tried the drug out on humans yet. No hemos probado el medicamento en humanos aún.
I was forced to take the drug against my will. Fui forzado a beber la droga contra mi voluntad.
The drug acted quickly. La medicina actúo rápidamente.
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