Sentence examples of "eating house" in English

Tom left the house after eating lunch. Tom salió de la casa después de almorzar.
Please wash your hands properly before eating. Por favor, lávate bien las manos antes de comer.
I went to her house, but she was not at home. Fui a su casa, pero no estaba.
That food is so bad that I wouldn´t dream of eating it. Esa comida es tan mala que yo ni soñaría en comerla.
Come to my house this afternoon. Ven a mi casa esta tarde.
Have you finished eating your lunch? ¿Terminaste de comer tu almuerzo?
It's an awesome house. Es una casa increíble.
I was raised eating Mexican food. Me criaron comiendo comida mejicana.
The house is cold. La casa está fría.
I hope that what you are eating is healthy. Espero que lo que estés comiendo sea saludable.
I see the tower from my house. Veo la torre desde mi casa.
Sickness often results from eating too much. Enfermedad es a menudo el resultado de comer demasiado.
I want to clean the house before my parents return. Quiero limpiar la casa antes de que vuelvan mis padres.
I hate myself for not having the will power to quit eating junk food. Me odio por no tener la voluntad de dejar de comer comida chatarra.
My house stands within easy access of the railroad station. Mi casa está bien comunicada con la estación de ferrocarril.
I don't want you eating between meals. No quiero que estés comiendo entre comidas.
Look! They are leaving the house. ¡Mira! Se están yendo de la casa.
I like eating cake. Me gusta comer pastel.
I don't like the house he lives in. No me gusta la casa en que vive.
I'm used to eating alone. Estoy acostumbrado a comer solo.
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