Sentence examples of "given up" in English

I have recently given up smoking. Dejé de fumar hace poco.
Tom has all but given up. Tom se ha rendido casi por completo.
Tom hasn't given up hope. Tom no ha abandonado la esperanza.
I've given up on the idea of buying a house. He abandonado la idea de comprar una casa.
I've given up eating meat. Yo dejé de comer carne.
Without your encouragement, I should have given up the plan. Si no tuviera tu apoyo, habría abandonado ese plan.
My wife has given up all hope of convincing me to mow the lawn today. Mi esposa ha abandonado toda esperanza de convencerme a cortar el pasto hoy.
My father has already given up smoking and drinking. Mi padre ya ha dejado de fumar y de beber.
I used to smoke a lot, but I have given up smoking now. Solía fumar mucho, pero ahora lo he dejado.
My father gave up smoking. Mi padre dejó el tabaco.
I can't give up. No puedo rendirme.
I gave up my job. Renuncié a mi trabajo.
We gave up the plan. Abandonamos el plan.
Don't give up halfway. No te des por vencido a medio camino.
Tom finally gave up smoking. Tom finalmente dejó de fumar.
You can't give up. No puedes rendirte.
He gave up going abroad. Él ha renunciado a viajar al extranjero.
So you give up, right? ¿Entonces abandonas, no?
Tom didn't give up. Tom no se dio por vencido.
You should give up smoking. Deberías dejar el tabaco.
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