Sentence examples of "looking over" in English

Father is busy looking over my homework. Papá está ocupado revisando mi tarea.
Look over the papers, please. Revisa los papeles, por favor.
Tom looked over the documents carefully. Tom revisó cuidadosamente los documentos.
Would you please look over my report? ¿Podría revisar mi informe?
I would like you to look over these documents. Me gustaría que revisaras estos documentos.
I'll look over your essay as soon as I can find the time. Revisaré tu ensayo apenas encuentre tiempo.
Don't forget to spend a little time looking over your notes before the exam. No olvides pasar algo de tiempo repasando los apuntes antes del examen.
Where were you? We've been looking all over for you. ¿Dónde estabas?, te estuvimos buscando por todos lados.
I'm looking forward to coming over to your place to eat. Espero con ganas a ir a tu casa a comer.
I am looking for the cheeses. Estoy buscando los quesos.
His sorrow was written all over his face. Su pena se marcaba en todo su rostro.
The police are looking into the matter. La policía está investigando el asunto.
The man walking over there is our teacher. El hombre que va caminando por allá es nuestro profesor.
I'm looking forward to seeing you next week. Espero con ganas a verte la próxima semana.
Don't risk your neck over something foolish. No arriesgues tu cuello por algo tan ridículo.
I'm looking forward to his present. Espero con ganas su regalo.
Our branches extend all over the country. Nuestros sucursales se encuentran a lo largo del país.
I am looking for my phone. Estoy buscando mi teléfono.
Tom helped Mary start over again. Tom ayudó a Mary a volver a comenzar.
I was looking for something, but couldn't find it. Estaba buscando algo, pero no lo encontré.
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