Sentence examples of "sick leave" in English

I've been on sick leave. He estado de licencia por enfermedad.
Leave that box where it is. Deja esa caja donde está.
The man is sick. El hombre está enfermo.
If we leave him, he'll bleed to death. Si lo dejamos, morirá desangrado.
You do not realize how important health is until you get sick. No te das cuenta de cuán importante es la salud hasta que te pones malo.
I plan to leave Boston as soon as I can. Planeo dejar Boston tan pronto como me sea posible.
When I woke up this morning, I felt sick. Me sentía enfermo cuando desperté esta mañana.
Tom wanted to stick around to see what would happen. Unfortunately, he had to leave. Tom se quería quedar a ver que sucedería. Desafortunadamente, se tuvo que ir.
You look sick. Pareces enfermo.
Rats leave a sinking ship. Las ratas abandonan el barco.
My brother must be sick. Mi hermano debe estar enfermo.
Why did Leonardo leave his researcher's work undone? ¿Por qué Leonardo dejó inconclusa su obra de investigador?
I shouldn't have eaten that. I feel sick. No debí haber comido eso. Me siento enfermo.
Tom is about to leave. Tom está a punto de irse.
They say he's sick. Dicen que está enfermo.
I would like to leave this town and never come back. Me gustaría dejar esta ciudad para no volver nunca.
I stayed at home because I was sick. Me quedé en casa porque estaba enferma.
If you leave now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. Si te vas ahora seguro que pillas un atasco.
It seems obvious that he is sick. Parece obvio que él está enfermo.
You need to leave right now. Debes salir ahora mismo.
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