Sentence examples of "talk" in English

Don't talk about that. No hables sobre eso.
We'll talk about that later. Conversaremos sobre eso después.
Could you talk more slowly please? ¿Podrías hablarme más despacio?
Tom gave a short talk. Tom dio una charla breve.
His talk distracted her from grief. Su conversación la distrajo de su pesar.
Our baby cannot talk yet. Nuestro bebé aún no habla.
Tom found Mary fun to talk to. Tom encontró divertido conversar con Mary.
Tom needs to talk to you. Tom necesita hablarte.
Tom gave a brief talk. Tom dio una charla breve.
Wise men talk about ideas, intellectuals about facts, and the ordinary man talks about what he eats. Los hombres sabios hablan de ideas, los intelectuales de los hechos, y las conversaciones de hombres comunes son acerca de lo que comen.
You should talk to Tom. Deberías hablar con Tom.
Old people need someone to talk to. Los ancianos necesitan a alguien con quien conversar.
I refuse to talk to you! ¡Me rehúso a hablarte a ti!
Tom had a long talk with Mary. Tom tuvo una larga charla con Mary.
Let's talk before fighting. Hablemos antes de luchar.
It's time for us to talk. Es hora de que conversemos.
I was almost afraid to talk to you. Casi me daba miedo hablarte.
We had a heart-to-heart talk with each other. Tuvimos una charla seria el uno con el otro.
Tom doesn't talk much. Tom no habla mucho.
Anyway, we'll talk it over tomorrow. De todas formas, lo conversaremos mañana.
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