Sentence examples of "twice as much as" in English

He earns twice as much as me. Él gana el doble que yo.
He ate twice as much as I did. Él comió el doble que yo.
Sandra spent twice as much as I did. Sandra gastó el doble de dinero que yo.
My brother eats twice as much as I do. Mi hermano come el doble que yo.
That yellow sweater costs twice as much as this blue one. Ese jersey amarillo cuesta el doble que este jersey azul.
That's why ostrich meat costs more than twice as much as beef and pork. Es por eso que la carne de avestruz cuesta más del doble que la de ternera o cerdo.
He had twice as much money as I. Él tenía dos veces más dinero que yo.
In fact, to move at any speed the polar bear uses twice as much energy as do most other mammals. De hecho, para moverse a cualquier velocidad el oso polar usa el doble de la energía que usan los demás mamíferos.
He stood beside me without so much as helping me. Él se quedó parado al lado mío sin siquiera ayudar.
With this train you'll go twice as fast. Con este tren irás el doble de rápido.
Tom seems to have a lot of fun trying to cause as much trouble as he can. Tom parece divertirse mucho tratando de provocar tantos problemas como él pueda.
I've never met someone that I love as much as I love you. Nunca he conocido a nadie a quien yo ame tanto como te amo a ti.
There is nothing I like so much as the smell of roses. Nada me gusta tanto como el aroma de las rosas.
My friend Tom has twice as many stamps as I do. Mi amigo Tom tiene el doble de sellos que yo.
Last year, I couldn't spend as much time with my children as I wanted to. El año pasado no pude pasar tanto tiempo con mis hijos como hubiera querido.
Tom didn't love Mary as much as she loved him. Tom no amaba a Mary tanto como ella lo amaba a él.
It is not his illness that ruined him so much as his idleness. Lo que lo arruinó no fue tanto su enfermedad como sí fue pereza.
He is twice as old as I. Él es el doble de viejo que yo.
I have three times as much money as you. Tengo el triple de dinero que tú.
He nodded as much as to say that he agreed. Él asintió con la cabeza para indicar que estaba de acuerdo.
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