Sentence examples of "Sans" in French

Il a démissionné sans préavis. He quit without notice.
Sans mon conseil, tu aurais échoué. But for my advice, you would have failed.
Sans eau, nous ne pourrions pas vivre. If it were not for water, we could not live.
Des centaines de milliers de personnes étaient sans emploi. Hundreds of thousands of people were out of work.
Elle disparut sans pièce d'identité. She disappeared with no documents.
Je lui ai prêté 500 dollars sans intérêt. I lent her 500 dollars free of interest.
Ils passèrent sans dire bonjour They went by without saying 'hello'.
Sans ton aide j'aurais échoué. But for your help, I would have failed.
Sans ce livre je ne pourrais pas étudier. If it were not for this book, I couldn't study.
Le tramway est aujourd'hui sans aucun doute démodé. The streetcar is now certainly out of date.
Les plongeurs peuvent récolter des perles sans danger. The divers can gather pearls with no danger.
Mes dents sont totalement en bonne santé et sans problèmes. My teeth are totally healthy and free of problems.
Postez sans faute cette carte. Post this card without fail.
Sans ton aide, il aurait échoué. But for your help, he would have failed.
Sans les plantes, nous ne pourrions pas vivre. If it were not for plants, we wouldn't be able to live.
Mon père est resté sans emploi pendant un an. My father has been out of work for a year.
Je ne peux pas imaginer un futur sans électricité. I can't imagine a future with no electricity.
La rumeur était sans fondement. The rumor was without foundation.
Elle aurait échoué sans son aide. She would have failed but for his help.
Sans eau, personne ne pourrait vivre sur terre. If it were not for water, no one could live on earth.
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