Sentence examples of "passa" in French

Tom passa du temps avec Marie. Tom spent time with Mary.
Il passa l'examen avec succès. He passed the examination.
Il passa à l'autre bord. He went over to the other side.
Elle passa un agréable moment à discuter avec lui de son voyage. She had a good time talking with him about his trip.
Le train à grande vitesse passa en rugissant. The bullet train came roaring past.
Elle retira ses vieilles chaussures et passa les nouvelles. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones.
Tom passa trois semaines à Boston. Tom spent three weeks in Boston.
Il passa son bien à son fils. He passed his property on to his son.
Le voyage inaugural du Titanic ne se passa pas si bien. The Titanic's maiden voyage didn't go so well.
Elle passa un agréable moment à s'entretenir avec lui de son voyage. She had a good time talking with him about his trip.
Tom passa trois ans en prison. Tom spent three years in prison.
Elle passa un agréable moment à discuter avec lui à propos de son voyage. She had a good time talking with him about his trip.
Il passa la soirée à lire. He spent the evening reading.
Elle passa un agréable moment à s'entretenir avec lui au sujet de son voyage. She had a good time talking with him about his trip.
Elle passa toute l'après-midi à cuisiner. She spent all afternoon cooking.
Il passa la matinée à lire un livre. He spent the morning reading a book.
Elle passa tout l'après-midi à cuisiner. She spent all afternoon cooking.
Elle passa sa vie à rechercher la vérité. She spent her life in pursuit of the truth.
Fred passa toute la journée à chercher un travail. Fred spent all day looking for a job.
Elle passa beaucoup de temps à écrire sa dissertation. She spent a lot of time writing her essay.
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