Sentence examples of "portent" in French with translation "wear"

Ils portent très peu de vêtements. They wear very little clothing.
Elles portent très peu de vêtements. They wear very little clothing.
Ces filles portent des vêtements minuscules. These girls are wearing skimpy clothes.
Tom et Marie portent leurs uniformes scolaires. Tom and Mary are wearing their school uniforms.
Les chats ne portent pas de colliers. Cats don't wear collars.
Tom et Marie portent leurs uniformes d'écoliers. Tom and Mary are wearing their school uniforms.
Les deux petites filles portent des costumes blancs. Both girls wear white suits.
Tom et marient portent tous deux des chapeaux bruns. Tom and Mary are both wearing brown hats.
Tom n'aime pas les femmes qui portent trop de maquillage. Tom doesn't like women who wear way too much make up.
Les policiers de la ville de New York portent un uniforme bleu sombre. New York City policemen wear dark blue uniforms.
Les règles de l'école exigent que les élèves portent des uniformes scolaires. The school rules require students to wear school uniforms.
J'entends dire que beaucoup de filles portent des bikinis sur cette plage. I hear a lot of girls wear bikinis at that beach.
Elle porta une belle robe. She wore a beautiful dress.
Il porte des verres épais. He wears thick glasses.
Le garçon porte des lunettes. The boy is wearing glasses.
Elle porte un chapeau sympa. She's wearing a cool hat.
Hiromi porte une nouvelle tenue. Hiromi is wearing a new dress.
Tom porte une culotte bavaroise. Tom is wearing leather shorts.
Elle porte une belle montre. She is wearing a nice watch.
Elle porte une robe bleue. She is wearing a blue dress.
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