Sentence examples of "sa" in French with translation "she"

La fillette embrassait sa poupée. The girl hugged her doll.
Son sourire exprimait sa gratitude. Her smile expressed her thanks.
Sa fille aînée est mariée. Her elder daughter is married.
Sa mère continuera à travailler. Her mother will continue to work.
Elle avoua clairement sa faute She frankly admitted her guilt.
Sa voix tremblait de colère. Her voice was quivering with anger.
Elle lui présenta sa sœur. She introduced her sister to him.
Sa robe rouge la particularisa. Her red dress made her stand out.
Elle a tenu sa promesse. She kept her promise.
Sa robe rouge la distingua. Her red dress made her stand out.
Sa maison est en banlieue. Her home is in the suburbs.
Elle a repassé sa chemise. She ironed her shirt.
Sa composition était sans erreur. Her composition was free from mistakes.
Sa taille mesure 24 pouces. Her waist measures 24 inches.
Maria appela sa mère brésilienne. Maria called her Brasilian mother.
Elle aimait sa mère tendrement. She loved her mother dearly.
Sa mère était une Kennedy. Her mother was a Kennedy.
Sa famille est très grande. Her family is very large.
Sa chambre est très petite. Her room is very small.
Marie étudie dans sa chambre. Mary is now studying in her room.
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