Sentence examples of "sembles" in French

Tu sembles distrait, aujourd'hui. You seem distracted today.
Tu sembles être assez malin. It looks like you're pretty clever.
Tu sembles distraite, aujourd'hui. You seem distracted today.
Tu ne sembles pas être heureux. You don't look happy.
Tu sembles être un homme gentil. You seem a kind man.
Tu sembles disposer du mauvais numéro. You seem to have the wrong number.
Tu sembles avoir pensé à quelque chose d'autre. You seem to have thought of something else.
Tu sembles me connaître, mais je ne te connais pas. You seem to know me, but I don't know you.
J'abandonne. Quoi que je fasse, tu sembles ne jamais être content. I give up. No matter what I do, you never seem to be satisfied.
J'adore le fait que tu sembles toujours prêter tellement d'attention. I love the fact that you always seem to care so much.
Je laisse tomber. Quoi que je fasse, tu sembles ne jamais être contente. I give up. No matter what I do, you never seem to be satisfied.
Leur travail me semble bon. Their work seems good to me.
Elle semblait stupéfiée d'étonnement. She looked stupefied in amazement.
M. Tanaka semble très riche. Mr Tanaka appears very rich.
Mon explication peut sembler étrange. My explanation may sound strange.
Mon crime me semble irréel. My crime seems unreal to me.
Il semble un peu fatigué. He looks a bit tired.
Jane semble apprécier la fête. Jane appears to be enjoying the party.
Ce qu'elle dit semble étrange. What she says sounds strange.
Ce livre me semble facile. This book seems easy to me.
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