Sentence examples of "sol" in French

Le sol est encore humide. The ground is still wet.
Je sentis le sol trembler. I felt the floor shake.
Le sol conserva la richesse. The soil retained richness.
Les feuilles tombaient sur le sol. The leaves fell to the earth.
Une pomme tomba au sol. An apple fell to the ground.
Le servant nettoya le sol. The servant swept the floor.
Il a arrosé le sol. He watered the soil.
Un jour, quelqu'un se tiendra sur le sol martien et prendra une photo de la Terre dans le ciel nocturne. Someday someone will stand on the Martian landscape and take a picture of Earth in the night sky.
Jette ton arme au sol. Toss your gun on the ground.
La toupie glissait sur le sol. The spinning top skidded across the floor.
Ce sol est riche en humus. That soil is rich in humus.
Le vieil homme tomba au sol. The old man fell down on the ground.
Le sol était couvert de sang. The floor was covered with blood.
Rien ne semble pousser sur ce sol. Nothing seems to grow in this soil.
Une feuille morte tomba au sol. A dead leaf fell to the ground.
Je lui ai fait balayer le sol. I made him sweep the floor.
Les plantes tirent l'eau du sol. Plants take in water from the soil.
Le sol est recouvert de neige. The ground is covered with snow.
Il ramassa un mouchoir sur le sol. He picked up a handkerchief from the floor.
Un sol riche produit de bonnes récoltes. Rich soil yields good crops.
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