Sentence examples of "son" in French with translation "he"

J'ai oublié son adresse. I forgot his address.
Chacun a son propre caractère. Everyone has a character of his own.
Il a attendu son maître. He waited on his master.
Son comportement m'énerve vraiment. His behavior really got on my nerves.
Son nouveau film est décevant. His new movie is disappointing.
Il a raté son examen. He couldn't pass the examination.
Jack ressemble à son père. Jack resembles his father.
Son père est un imposteur. His father is an impostor.
Il a outrepassé son autorité. He has overstepped his authority.
Il servit fidèlement son souverain. He served his king faithfully.
Il ressemble à son père. He looks like his father.
Ted aime son épouse Elizabeth. Ted loves his wife Elizabeth.
Nous respectons tous son honnêteté. There are none of us who do not respect his honesty.
On comprend facilement son agitation. His excitement is easily accountable.
Qui a pris son cœur ? Who has captured his heart?
Son nom sera rapidement oublié. His name will soon be forgotten.
J'ai oublié son nom. I forget his name.
Il rendit son dernier soupir. He breathed his last.
Il vit de son écriture. He earns his living by writing.
Son gendre est complètement rétabli. His son-in law completely recovered from his illness.
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