Sentence examples of "soudain" in French

Soudain, il commença à pleuvoir. All of a sudden it started raining.
Soudain, 100 ouvriers furent licenciés. Suddenly, 100 workers were laid off.
Soudain, l'alarme incendie se déclencha. All of a sudden, the fire alarm went off.
Il ferma soudain la porte. He closed the door suddenly.
Son soudain décès fut une tragédie. His sudden death was a tragedy.
Il s'arrêta soudain de parler. He suddenly stopped talking.
Un coup de tonnerre soudain le réveilla. A sudden crack of thunder broke his sleep.
Soudain, elle eut une inspiration brillante. Suddenly she had a brilliant inspiration.
Son départ soudain nous a tous surpris. Her sudden departure surprised us all.
Un chien me sauta soudain dessus. A dog suddenly jumped at me.
Un bruit soudain détourna leur attention du jeu. A sudden noise abstracted their attention from the game.
Elle eut soudain une bonne idée. A good idea suddenly struck her.
Elle se questionna sur son changement d'idée soudain. She wondered at the sudden change of his mind.
Il se mit soudain à pleuvoir. It suddenly started raining.
Il y eut un soudain revirement de la situation. There was a sudden change in the situation.
Son visage vira soudain au rouge. Her face suddenly turned red.
J'ai été surpris par le bruit soudain du tonnerre. I was surprised at the sudden thunder.
Soudain, ma mère se mit à chanter. Suddenly, my mother started singing.
J'ai été surpris par la nouvelle de son décès soudain. I was surprised at the news of his sudden death.
Soudain, il me vint une bonne idée. Suddenly, a good idea occurred to me.
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