Sentence examples of "со" in Russian with translation "since"

Клэнси и Хейген друзья ещё со школы. Clancy and Hagan have been friends since high school.
Я со вчерашнего дня ничего не ел. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday.
Группа самых решительных со среды заняла московскую площадь. A corps of the most determined has occupied a Moscow square since Wednesday.
Я один работаю со вчерашнего вечера. I'm the only one who's been working the front desk since you got in.
Мы пасли его со вчерашнего дня. We've been surveilling him since yesterday.
Трофеи были скудны со времён Тукумкари. Plunder has been scarce since Tucumcari.
Мой брат болен со вчерашнего дня. My brother has been sick since yesterday.
Многое изменилось со времен нацистской эпохи. Much has changed since the Nazi era.
Она ничего не ест со вчерашнего утра. She has not eaten since yesterday morning.
Я со вчерашнего утра его не видел. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning.
Я не видел его со времен колонии. I hadn't seen him since juvie.
Совершенно верно, со дня моей ближайшей конфирмации. Yes, since my near confirmation.
Это происходит со мной с момента аварии. That's been happening to me since the accident.
Я не видела его со вчерашнего утра. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning.
И все это ты делал со вчерашнего утра? And, uh, all this since yesterday morning?
У меня слабое сердце, я живу со стимулятором. Since I have a weak heart I have a pacemaker in my chest.
Она не выглядела так плохо со времен Академии. They haven't looked as bad since my old Academy days.
Отец не дает личных аудиенций со времен переворота. Father's never given a single audience since the upheaval.
Морские леопарды со времён Шеклтона имеют дурную славу. Leopard seals, since the time of Shackleton, have had a bad reputation.
Не было ничего нового со времён поп-арта. There have been no movements since Pop Art.
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