Sentence examples of "Tuve" in Spanish

Tuve un mal sueño anoche. I had a bad dream last night.
Tuve la fortuna de conocerlo. I was fortunate to make his acquaintance.
Tuve un sueño extraño anoche. I had a strange dream last night.
Tuve la suerte para huir ileso. I was lucky enough to escape unhurt.
Anoche tuve un buen sueño. I had a good dream last night.
Tuve que caminar porque no había taxis. There being no taxis, I had to walk.
Tuve que posponer mi cita. I had to postpone my appointment.
Tuve suerte de estar ahí a tiempo. I was lucky to be there on time.
Ayer tuve dolor de muelas. I had a toothache yesterday.
Tuve miedo de que pudiera herir sus sentimientos. I was afraid that I might hurt his feelings.
Tuve exactamente la misma sensación. I had the exact same feeling.
Tuve cuidado de no decir nada que le enfadara. I was careful not to say anything to make him angry.
Anoche tuve un sueño divertido. I had a funny dream last night.
No soy un artista. Nunca tuve mente para ello. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it.
Nunca tuve un empleo fijo. I never had a steady job.
La pintura estaba un poco dura, así que tuve que revolverla. The paint was a little hard, so it had to be stirred.
Tuve un ataque de asma. I had an asthma attack.
Cuando renové mi licencia de conductor tuve que decidir si quería ser donante de órganos. When I got my driver's license renewed, I had to decide if I wanted to be an organ donor.
Tuve una charla con Tom. I had a chat with Tom.
Tuve problemas con esta pregunta. I had trouble with this question.
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