Sentence examples of "was" in English

The exhibition was very impressive. La exhibición fue impresionante.
I was at the party. Yo estaba en la fiesta.
My grandfather was part Indian. Mi abuelo tenía parte india.
There was some dew this morning. Hay algo de rocío esta mañana.
There was not enough fuel. No había suficiente combustible.
The night was so cold. Esa noche hacía mucho frío.
He was trembling with rage. Él temblaba con ira.
The accident was due to the smog. El accidente ocurrió debido al smog.
He was wearing a tuxedo. Él llevaba un esmoquin.
Her dress was very unbecoming. Su vestido no le convenía para nada.
He came when I was out. Él vino cuando yo había salido.
It was less than fifteen dollars. Costó menos de quince dólares.
He was delighted to see you. Le dio mucho gusto verte.
As I was tired, I took a rest. Como andaba cansado, me dí un descanso.
I thought your remark was interesting. Encontré interesante tu comentario.
I was left without a battery. Me he quedado sin batería.
She was watching the dead leaves fall. Ella veía a las hojas muertas caer.
I was with him in January. Me encontré con él en enero.
She was forced to resign. La obligaron a dimitir.
Barbara was killed by Alister. Bárbara fue asesinada por Álister.
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