Sentence examples of "debía" in Spanish

Se debía tomar una decisión. A decision had to be made.
Olvidé que te debía dinero. I forgot I owed you money.
Él debía pagar sus propias deudas. He had to pay his own debts.
Tom le debía mucho dinero a Mary. Tom owed Mary a lot of money.
Tom tuvo que pagar una multa por cruzar por donde no debía. Tom had to pay a fine for jaywalking.
Ella le dio el dinero que le debía. She handed him the money that she owed him.
Al menos Tom se quedó el tiempo suficiente para averiguar cuánto dinero debía. At least Tom stuck around long enough to find out how much money he owed.
Después de que muera, espero que la gente diga de mí: "Ese tipo sí que me debía un montón de dinero." After I die, I hope that people will say of me: "That guy sure owed me a lot of money."
La medida debe ser exacta. The measurement has to be exact.
Ella me debe mucho dinero. She owes me a lot of money.
Si los hombres fueran ángeles, no sería necesario ningún gobierno. Si los ángeles gobernaran a los hombres, no sería necesario ningún control externo ni interno sobre el gobierno. Al formar un gobierno que va a ser administrado por hombres sobre hombres, la gran dificultad reside aquí: debes primero permitir al gobierno controlar a los gobernados y después obligarlo a controlarse a sí mismo. If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
Deberemos esperar al próximo día. We'll have to wait for the next day.
Tom no me debe nada. Tom doesn't owe me anything.
Tom deberá salir del edificio. Tom will have to leave the building.
Él me debe mucho dinero. He owes me a lot of money.
Debes proteger a tu familia. You have to protect your family.
Nick me debe diez dólares. Nick owes me ten dollars.
Debes respetar a los mayores. You have to respect the old.
Le debo 1.000 dólares. I owe him 1,000 dollars.
Debes creer en ti mismo. You have to believe in yourself.
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