Sentence examples of "became" in English

She became a famous painter. Elle est devenue un peintre de renom.
I became acquainted with your father yesterday. J'ai fait la connaissance de votre père, hier.
He became a famous actor. Il est devenu un acteur célèbre.
I became acquainted with your dad yesterday. J'ai fait hier la connaissance de ton papa.
He became a national hero. Il devint un héros national.
Public feeling against air pollution has at last became vocal. Le sentiment populaire contre la pollution de l'air s'est enfin fait entendre.
My brother became an engineer. Mon frère est devenu ingénieur.
When I was in Paris, I became acquainted with two or three painters, and I went to visit their atelier from time to time. I was always fascinated by their method of work and their way of life. Lorsque je me trouvais à Paris, j'ai fait la connaissance de deux ou trois peintres, et suis allé visiter leurs ateliers de temps à autre. J'étais toujours fasciné par leur méthode de travail et leur mode de vie.
He became a famous singer. Il devint un chanteur célèbre.
They became food for fishes. Ils devinrent de la nourriture pour les poissons.
All of her songs became hits. Toutes ses chansons devinrent des tubes.
The milk froze and became solid. Le lait se gela et devint solide.
He became famous throughout the world. Il est devenu célèbre dans le monde entier.
Job security became a major worry. La sécurité de l'emploi est devenue un souci majeur.
His son became a famous pianist. Son fils est devenu un pianiste renommé.
Mary and I became good friends. Mary et moi sommes devenues bonnes amies.
When he spoke, everyone became silent. Lorsqu'il parla, tout le monde devint silencieux.
He became more and more famous. Il devint de plus en plus célèbre.
The storm became even more violent. La tempête devint encore plus violente.
My sister became a college student. Ma sœur est devenue lycéenne.
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