Sentence examples of "giving" in English with translation "offrir"

He is always giving presents to his wife. Il n'arrête pas d'offrir des cadeaux à sa femme.
He gave me a present. Il m'a offert un cadeau.
She gave him a nice present. Elle lui a offert un chouette cadeau.
My father gave me a game. Mon père m'a offert un jeu.
My uncle gave him a present. Mon oncle lui a offert un cadeau.
Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally lui a offert un cadeau de Noël.
He gave a nice present to me. Il m'a offert un beau cadeau.
He gave me a nice Christmas present. Il m'a offert un beau cadeau de Noël.
She gave me a book for Christmas. Elle m'a offert un livre pour Noël.
I was given this present by Ann. C'est Anne qui m'a offert ce cadeau.
She gave him a sweater on his birthday. Elle lui offrit un chandail pour son anniversaire.
What did you give Mike on his birthday? Qu'est-ce que tu as offert à Mike pour son anniversaire ?
I regaled the devil; he gave me a fable. Je régalai le diable, il m'offrit une fable.
Trang gave an unusually expensive Christmas gift to Sysko. Trang offrit un cadeau de noël inhabituellement cher à Sysko.
She gave me an album as a birthday present. Elle m'a offert un album en tant que cadeau d'anniversaire.
I lost the watch that my father gave me. J'ai perdu la montre que mon père m'avait offerte.
I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. Je t'offrirai un vélo pour ton anniversaire.
He was given a gold watch from the teacher. Le professeur lui a offert une montre en or.
Tom learned to accept the love his stepparents gave him. Tom apprit à accepter l'amour que ses beaux-parents lui offraient.
They gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse. On m'a fait une offre que je n'ai pas pu refuser.
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