Sentence examples of "ait" in French with translation "have"

Il semblerait qu'il ait menti. He seems to have told a lie.
J'étais surpris qu'il ait échoué. I was surprised that he had failed.
J'ai peur qu'elle ait les oreillons. I'm afraid she may have the mumps.
Il semble qu'il ait vécu en Espagne. He seems to have lived in Spain.
Il est possible qu'il ait eu un accident. It is possible that he has had an accident.
Il semble que monsieur Tanaka ait passé son examen. It seems that Mr. Tanaka has taken his exam.
Il semble que la saison des pluies ait commencé. It seems that the rainy season has set in.
Il se peut qu’on ait raté le bus. We may have missed the bus.
Il est impossible que Nancy ait lu ce livre. Nancy cannot have read this book.
Il se peut qu'il ait raté le train. He may have missed the train.
Il est normal que Yoko ait dit une telle chose. It's unsurprising that Yoko would have said something like that.
Ça ne dérangeait pas Tom que Marie ait de petits nichons. Tom didn't mind that Mary had small breasts.
Il se peut qu'il ait plu un peu hier soir. It may have rained a little last night.
Il est le plus grand scientifique que la Terre ait portée. He is the greatest scientist that the world has ever produced.
Bien qu'elle ait beaucoup de faiblesses, je lui fais confiance. She has many faults, but I trust her none the less.
Ça ne dérangeait pas Tom que Marie ait de petits seins. Tom didn't mind that Mary had small breasts.
Ce séisme fut le plus important que l'on ait jamais vécu. The earthquake was the biggest one that we had ever experienced.
Il semble qu'il ait quelque chose à voir avec le sujet. It seems that he has something to do with the matter.
À en juger par son visage, il semble qu'il ait réussi. Judging from the look on his face, it seems that he has succeeded.
Je comprends que M. Collins vous ait fait une demande en mariage. I understand that Mr. Collins has made you an offer of marriage.
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