Sentence examples of "as" in French

Tu en as, du courage ! You have a lot of nerve!
Tu as presque deviné juste. Your guess is almost right.
Tu as un esprit limité. You've got a one-track mind.
Je peux imaginer ce que tu as ressenti. I can imagine how you felt.
Tiens-moi la main si tu as peur. Keep hold of my hand if you're afraid.
Tu as le droit d'apporter ton propre déjeuner à l'école. You may bring your own lunch to school.
Tu as une bonne mémoire. You have a good memory.
Tu as été mon amie. You were my friend.
Tu as la mauvaise personne. You’ve got the wrong person.
Tu as des yeux mignons. You have cute eyes.
Tu as été mon ami. You were my friend.
Tu as serré le mauvais client. You’ve got the wrong person.
Tu as fait tes devoirs ? Have you done your homework?
Tu as tendance à être oublieux. You are apt to be forgetful.
Toi, tu as vraiment des tripes. You've got a lot of guts.
Tu as de l'humour. You have a sense of humor.
Ramène-le quand tu as fini. Bring it back when you are through.
Tu as déjà de la barbe ? Have you got a beard already?
Tu as outrepassé ton autorité. You have overstepped your authority.
Comme tu as de la chance ! How lucky you are!
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