Sentence examples of "autant que possible" in French

Développe tes compétences linguistiques autant que possible. Develop your linguistic competence as much as possible.
Nous devrions lire autant de livres que possible. We should read as many books as possible.
Si tu veux maîtriser une langue étrangère, il te faut étudier autant que possible. If you want to master a foreign language, you must study as much as possible.
Utilisons nos cerveaux autant que possible et voyons ce qui arrive pendant les phases de planification ! Let's use our brains to the greatest extent possible and see what happens during the planning stages!
Vous devez commencer aussitôt que possible. You have to begin as soon as possible.
Pour autant que je sache, elle ne s'est pas encore mariée. As far as I know, she has not yet married.
J'apprécierais une réponse aussitôt que possible. I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.
J'aime le volley autant que le basket. I like volleyball as well as basketball.
Je veux quitter Boston aussi tôt que possible. I plan to leave Boston as soon as I can.
Pour autant que je sache, c'est l'édition la plus récente. As far as I know, this is the latest edition.
J'en ai besoin aussi vite que possible. I need it ASAP.
Prends-en autant que tu veux. Take as much as you like.
Je viendrai aussitôt que possible. I'll come as soon as possible.
Ça m'est égal, pour autant que vous soyez heureuse. I don't care as long as you are happy.
Tom a crié aussi fort que possible. Tom screamed at the top of his lungs.
Je fais confiance aux ordinateurs pour autant que je puisse les jeter. I trust computers only as far as I can throw them.
Finissons ce travail aussi vite que possible. Let's finish this work as soon as possible.
Prenez-en autant que vous voulez. Take as much as you like.
Viens aussi vite que possible. Come as soon as possible.
Vous y parviendrez à temps, pour autant que vous ne manquiez pas le train. You'll get there in time, as long as you don't miss the train.
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