Sentence examples of "damals" in German

Ich war damals in Kanada. I was in Canada then.
Damals waren wir ziemlich reich. At that time, we were quite rich.
Damals nannte mich jeder Tony. Everybody called me Tony in those days.
Ich war damals zu Hause. I was at home then.
Er war damals in Amerika. He was in America at that time.
Sie muss damals reich gewesen sein. She must have been rich in those days.
Susan war damals nicht beim Klaivierspielen. Susan was not playing the piano then.
Mary suchte damals nach dir. Mary was looking for you at that time.
Damals lebten wir von der Hand in den Mund. We lived from hand to mouth in those days.
Deutschland hatte damals eine schlagkräftige Armee. Germany then had a powerful army.
Damals war sie Studentin in Yale. At that time, she was a student at Yale.
Die Menschen damals wussten bereits, dass die Erde rund ist. People in those days already knew that the earth is round.
Sie haben den Sonnenuntergang damals angeschaut. They were watching the sunset then.
Ich brauchte damals dringend seine Hilfe. I was badly in need of his help at that time.
Damals gab es Hass zwischen uns. There was hatred between us then.
Damals herrschte Napoleon Bonaparte über Frankreich. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France at that time.
Wir sind damals in die Ferien gefahren. We went on our vacation then.
Mexiko war damals noch nicht unabhängig von Spanien. At that time Mexico was not yet independent of Spain.
Ich traf ihn damals das erste Mal. I met him then for the first time.
Damals gab es den Google-Übersetzer noch nicht. At that time Google Translator didn't exist yet.
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