Sentence examples of "de" in Spanish with translation "from"

¿Oyes de ella a menudo? Do you hear from her often?
Entendería todo viniendo de ti. I'd understand anything coming from you.
Los dos somos de Tampa. Both of us are from Tampa.
¿Has oído de mi tío? Have you heard from my uncle?
No me distraigas de estudiar. Don't distract me from studying.
¿De quién es esta carta? Who is this letter from?
Soy del País de Gales I'm from Wales
Deberías recuperarte de tu resfriado. You should recover from your cold
Hay algunas canciones de Escocia. There are some songs from Scotland.
Espero oír pronto de ti. I hope to hear from you soon.
No está lejos de aquí. It's not far from here.
Deberían alejarse de aquel tipo. You should stay away from that guy.
Mis padres son de China. My parents are from China.
Tenemos grandes expectativas de él. We expect a lot from him.
Ella se apartó de mí. She turned away from me.
Deberías aprender de su ejemplo. You should learn from his example.
Absténganse de fumar, por favor. Please refrain from smoking.
Yo lo oí de ti. I heard from you.
Apreciaría oír de ti pronto. I would appreciate hearing from you soon.
Te agradezco de todo corazón. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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