Sentence examples of "Has" in English

He has a large family. Il a une grande famille.
The competition has become fierce. La concurrence est devenue féroce.
Has the fever gone down? Est-ce que la fièvre est tombée ?
French has developed from Latin. Le français s'est développé à partir du latin.
He has a bath every morning. Il prend un bain tous les matins.
Has the postman been yet? Le facteur est-il déjà passé?
Tom has limited free time. Tom dispose de peu de temps libre.
Nobody knows what has become of Yamada. Personne ne sait ce qu'est devenu Yamada.
Where has she come from? D'où est-elle venue ?
She has a bottle of milk every morning. Elle boit une bouteille de lait tous les matins.
My sister has a piano. Ma sœur possède un piano.
He has a hat on. Il porte un chapeau.
She has had to stay here. Elle doit rester ici.
Every day has a sequel. Chaque jour a une suite.
Mary has a social nature. Marie est de nature sociable.
She has gone to Paris. Elle est partie à Paris.
The pigeon has flown away. Le pigeon s'est envolé.
She has a bath every morning. Elle prend un bain chaque matin.
Time has passed very fast. Le temps est passé très rapidement.
Each student has a locker. Chaque étudiant dispose d'un casier.
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